
Monday, December 7, 2020

Tiffany drawing

Frida Kahlo

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Tiffany,

    My name is Shannon, and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    What a fantastic recolour. I love your bold choices! I think yours looks way better than the original. It’s brighter, and stands out more! Ka pai!

    Some more activities have just been published for the SLJ, so head on over to the 2020-2021 Summer Learning Journey to start collecting points!

    Happy blogging!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)


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1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post!

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