
Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Superhero

  By   Tiffany
The Superhero ‘s scooter it was bak had a dagn tall the back.
Its brakes are  silver bars for the name of the  scooter is Midnight.
Tiffany sew that arya queen of the vampires was biting the village people

Bravely tiffany got a grlt pit  ti in Is Mouth you are awesome    so tiffany happily red abb jaod the super scooter and roode off another successful day Image result for Tiffany the superhero

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

My six sentence story

this week we learnt how to write a six sentence story. a six sentence story is a narrative and has six parts to it.

1.has  once upon a time and  introduces the   main  character.
2 .  says    where do they  live  .
3.    says  the talent.
4. tells the problem.
5. tells how they felt 
6. tells how they got over the problem.

My six sentence  story

Once    upon   a time there was a girl
Called  JoJo Siwa .
She lived in Hollywood.
Her special talent was singing .JoJo Siwa  dog Bob is sick .Jojo Seewa is sad .
JoJo Siwa got to take Bob  to the vet 
And  he felt beller.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The planet vampire

The writing by Tiffany.

The planet vampire was far far away from earth 

The planet vampire is rad and  Black. It is big as the sun . Captain cat   were flying to vampire
Because   to save the  People before  the panet
Vampire  bewl up.
I am  Captain  Cat im Black and red eyes and CoPilot Tiffany    i have Brown hair and Hazel eyes and Navigator  casey i have Brown hair and Hazel eye. Captain  Cat and her crew pot the People on 

Image result for panet red and black
The  spaceship   flying to earth .Image result for futuristic spaceship in space

Friday, August 2, 2019

blogger buddy

this week we practiced  screencatify we have been given   a blogger buddy   her name is mele
i have made this so my buddy knows more about me.